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Step 1: Login to Flash Mob

Step 6: choose Chrome as the bottom window for the split screen

Step 2: Choose to start a Flash Mob or put a Flash Mob link in browser

Step 7: paste the invite link into the bottom Chrome browser window

Step 3: Click Start a Flash Mob (if starting one from scratch)

Step 8: click "LOAD FLASHMOB"

Step 11: choose camera and microphone and click "START"

Step 4: Press "INVITE" to copy the stream link to your clipbiard

Step 9: click "JOIN"

Step 12: You are now livestreaming and will see yourself in the top browser window. You may need to hover over your window in the top browser and mute your sound by pressing the speaker icon

Step 5: Press App View button on bottom left then push/hold Chrome Icon to enter split screen mode

Step 10: click "Join Room with Camera"
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